iWorx TA 220
When we started reviewing on www.petergamma.org one of the most affordable 3 channel ECG devices with 16 bit A/D which is required for research applications came from iWorx. The cheapest recorder with 3 channels from iWorx is the TA 220. The last device which was available used on eBay was recently sold for
US $1.398:
- iWorx sells their recorders with the software included.
- But if the software is not included, it is 1000 USD extra for the software:
Holter SCHILLER medilog®AR
is sold here:
for 1.160 Euros
- but the A/D resolution: is only 12 bit:
- which means it cannot be based on the same architecture than OpenBCI which has 24 bit A/D conversion rate.
- Research grade applications require at least 16 bit.
- OpenBCI full-fills these requirements and is better than the Holter SCHILLER medilog®AR
- It offers medilog® DARWIN HRV (Fire of Life®) software
- And as far as we know the Holter SCHILLER medilog®AR cannot be used with 3 .th party software
OpenBCI Ganglion or Cyton
- If we look at all of this, it is better to build your own 3 channel ECG device based on OpenBCI Ganglion or Cyton.
- It is more affordable than the above products.
- And there are many open source ECG toolboxes available which can be used with it, as for instance Heart Pi.
- We have here the instruction for a 3 and 5 lead ECG:
- But with leads, electrodes and ECG channels, we have much confusion.
- So better check the scientific literature about the The Mason-Likar electrode placement which is required for gold standard heart rate measurements:
OpenBCI Cyton is CHF 859
OpenBCI Ganglion is · CHF 429
- And if you are interested on the long term in such devices we suppose the OpenBCI Cyton cable version sold on eBay and Aliexpress is the cheapest version
- it should have the least issues of those Chinese modules.
- Cable version is not officially supported by www.openbci.com.
- You cannot connect OpenBCI Cyton over cable to OpenBCI GUI.
- But we do not need OpenBCI GUI urgently.
- We can connect the OpenBCI Ganglion cable modules directly to a software of our choice.
- For instance by connecting OpenBCI Cyton cable version over the POGO pins to a Rasbperry Pi.
- In that way we should have a sort of a PiEEG which actually is better than PiEEG, since PiEEG seems to have issues with noise.
- There are people who got OpenBCI Ganglion to work over cable
- If you are interested on the long term in such devices, you should eventually be able to manage to get it to work, if you study the OpenBCI architecture in detail.
- The cable version is available on Aliexpress and eBay for around:
230 USD