BCILAB for the Muse Headband?

Last Updated on June 23, 2021 by pg@petergamma.org

Next to Arnaud Delormes Neurofeedbacklab:

a Windows or Ubuntu real-time app for the Muse Headband is missing.

A candidate is BCILAB

on which Neurofeedbacklab is based on:

The aim of the BCILAB toolbox is to provide the BCI community a powerful toolkit for methods research and evaluation:


This toolbox is no longer actively developped as of 2017. However, critical updates are still performed. BCILAB is a Matlab toolbox, but

the software should also run on Octave:


the software can be connected to the Muse Headband over the Labstreaminglayer interface:


How to Run MATLAB Code in Octave

Items you will need:

  • Computer with GNU Octave installed
  • .m file (Matlab program file)
