Why is it not interesting for developers to build an affordable alternative to the Biosemi Active Two amplifiers which cost 10 000 USD?

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Biosemi Active Two amplifiers are sold by electronics engineers from Neurospec in Stans for 10 000 USD

But why has no one built an affordable alternative based on OpenBCI Cyton modules which start at 200 USD on Aliexpress, or HackEEG or PiEEG? Since electronics engineers from Texas Instruments, the once who give advice to developers in the EEVBLOG:


are always watching EEG device developers to adapt prices for OpenBCI Cyton molules on Aliexpress from 200 USD to 10 000 USD, or to pull HackEEG or PiEEG from the market, if someone from Stanford University, Harward medical School or the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology buys a view pieces of those to build a more affordable alternative to the Biosemi Active Two amplifiers based on HackEEG or PiEEG. Biosemi Active Two amplifiers cost 10 000 USD because all the eletronics engineers from Texas Instruments which give advice in the EEVBLOG get commission for it to sell Biosemi Active 2 amplifiers for 10 000 USD.