Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by
The tradedy of Arnaud Delorme who connected the Muse headband to LabStreamgLayer using the Muse SDK:
Around 3.5 years ago, Peter Gamma from became interested in live streams from the Muse headband. Shortly after that EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme connected LSL over the Muse SDK to the the Muse headband. But immediately after that, the Muse SDK was pulled from the market:
It is now available again, but only for professional users such as Richard Davidson.
All of this is a strong evidence for a marketing trust of EEG devices.
Peter Gamma writes review, tests devices, and if they increase in value, they are pulled from the market for him, and are only offered to Richard Davidson.
Other things which we made very negative experiences:
- Alexander Barachant developed the Muse LSL. But professional EEG developer Barachant strongly emphasized that he did this for fun and in his spare time.
- Also EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme tested the Muse with EEGLAB, but only on YouTube.
- And EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme tested NeuroFeedbackLab: Stream EEG data in real time and process it using advanced analysis methods, but only on YouTube:
- And Fieldtrip developer Robert Oostenveld tested the Unicorn Black, but only on WordPress.
- OpenBCI developer Irene Vigué-Guix from Spain tested OpenBCI Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) – From Python to Matlab, but published the result unfortunately only on WordPress, and not in Nature.
- All of these EEG device users are very experienced whith the skills to publish their results in high-quality scientitic papers.
- But what happens is exactly the opposite.
- It is as if a marketing trust for EEG devices forced those only to use these devcies for fun and in their spare time.
- And for professional EEG users EEG devices start from 10 000 USD.
- But not for EEG devices based on TGAM modules, the ADS1115 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter:
- And InflxDB:
The project is a private project of Peter Gamma. And Peter wants to build an EEG device for his home lab. But he is not happy with the Muse headband and OpenBCI Cyton from which offers only Bluetooth transmission. Peter is a physiologist which is educated at the level of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. That is why he is not happy with the Muse, OpenBCI and Bluetooth and other products which are based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments.
Peter Gamma from does not want to experience what Arnaud Delorme experienced. Connect the Muse to LSL over the SDK, and then the Muse SDK was pulled from the marked for private users. If Peter Gamma tries now to build his project onto a PiEEG which he builts himself, does he not risk that PiEEG is pulled from the marked completely for private users, and then is only offered to users such as Richard Davidson?
The risk for Peter Gamma to choose PiEEG as a basis for his project and this happens is too big. Since he does not want to make the same experience as Arnaud Delorme did, and that is to connect the Muse over LSL using the Muse SDK. But shortly after that the Muse SKD was pulled from the market for private users, and is now only offered to professional users such as Richard Davidson.