Stock market speculations with OpenBCI modules on Aliexpress & eBay?

Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by

We observed especially on Aliexpress that prices for OpenBCI modulse are randomly scattered and there is not clear correlation between the modules and their costs. Is this a hint that sellers do stock market speculations with those to evaluate how much money he can make out of those?

Modules which do not have stable prices politics which is optimized and reasonable are not interesting for us personally. We cannot review those since we risk the the prices for those products increase. We therefore suggest not to give positive feetback about those and only mention issues the issues they have.

The starting prize for the OpenBCI modules seemed to be linked to the costs of individual TGAM modules sold on Aliexress at the beginning. This means an OpenBCI Cyton cable module was sold for about the same price than 8 indivudal TGAM modules. This does make sense.

But if the costs for OpenBCI modules on Aliexpress increases, then immediately for instance Pi EEG or HackEEG becomes more interesting, or building up multi-sensor devices from single EEG components and InfluxDB, which we think is the future anyway, since it is the most cost effective way.