Comparison of LibreOffice on the Pinephone, on the ClockworkPi DevTerm & on other Raspberry Pi devices

Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by

A Swiss physiologist installed LibreOffice on the Pinephone, it took him almost a month, here he shares what he experienced

  • He received support in the Pine64 forum:

  • He worked for a month everyday a little bit on it, and it is published on 5 threads in 370 posts in the Pine64 forum.
  • 16`580 people where interested in it and visited this topic in the Pine64 forum to this date.
  • LibreOffice is now available in the postmarket OS software store for the Pinephone and can be downloaded from there.
  • It looks great now on the Pinephone.
  • But the Swiss physiologist does not use it to this date and does not know any other users who use it on the Pinephone.
  • Everybody is welcome to download and test it.
  • The Swiss physiologist installed Abiword on his Pinephone and reported about it here:

  • There he found a second Pinephone user alaraajavamma who uses Abiword on his Pinephone as well.
  • alaraajavamma says Abiword is better on the Pinephone than LibreOffice.
  • Everybody is welcome to test this.

Clockworkpi DevTerm (which is based on the Raspberry CM4) and LibreOffice

In the clockworkpi forum a user complains about the DevTerm that basically nothing works on the device exept for LibreOffice which he uses for writing:

user Tootles:


  • Thanks for this – but I can’t get network access to install another dm if I can’t login to the gui.
  • I’ve not got the inclination to try and remember how to get on wifi through bash.
  • I’m just going to reflash the thing (third time’s the charm?)
  • and not try again to put programming stuff on it.
  • The DevTerm just isn’t made for programming,
  • I can see that now.
  • It’s just a novelty that’s not capable of running anything more than a web browser and basic office utilities, so I’ll just use it for writing.
  • At least LibreOffice works.»

LibreOffice on other Raspberry Pi devices

  • LibreOffice is part of the Raspberry Pi OS image with desktop and recommended software.
  • This image runs on the Raspberry Pi 1 to 5 and on the Raspberry Pi zero:
  • Kajidataonline from Malaysia did not use the Raspberry Pi OS distro with pre-installed LibreOffice but intalled LibreOffice on a Raspberry Pi zero in less than 4 minutes:
  • But he writes in the comments that he uses now the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w for LibreOffice.
  • The Swiss physiologists tested LibreOffice also on the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w. But to start it up took 45 seconds, and he will not use Libreoffice on this device either.

LibreOffice has 2370 matches in the Raspberry Pi forum:

The Swiss physiologist has not yet given up his project to make a Qtek 9000 for the year 2023 out of his Pinephone:

All the resources how to do this can be found in this journal under the tag «Pinephone»:

Everybody is welcome to participate in this project.