Zen priest, million heir & Felsentor funder Vanja palmers „was according to his own personal experience not able to induce such mental states”

Last Updated on January 20, 2025 by pg@petergamma.org

In his talk for the „Avanti Internationale Ärztegesellschaft“

Vanja Palmers said on the 31.10.2023

Avanti Congress 2023: Expanding Consciousness, Shamanism and Healing

From my own personal experience

I was not able to induce

such (mental) states.

But I know, I know many people who can do this.

And these are also the statements of these subjects.

They where very experienced in meditation.

And had zero experiences with substances (drugs).

We did not find 40 such people,

but around half of it (which means around 20).

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

is not an expert about Vanja Palmers and about Psilocybin. On the Felsentor website it says about Palmers:

He is the founder and funder of the Felsentor Retreat Center Rigi. He is also Zen priest, million heir (of the Swiss textile company Calida) and Mind Foundation speaker. And he is:

“particularly concerned about the rehabilitation of those substances that gave his life a fundamentally new, expanded perspective in the context of scientific or therapeutic use”:


If we understood it correctl,y we can summarize that Vanja Palmers was not able to induce the same mental states with meditation as with Psylocibin. But others where able to do this. Vanja Palmers knows about 20 people who can do this. But all the same, it is highly desirable that the Felsentor Retreat Center on the Rigi will not become a place to promote the slogan:

“To meditate is bad, take Psylocibin”

Since meditation retreat centers such as the Felsentor rare in Switzerland.