Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

You want to install box86/WINE with MS Word 97 on the Pinephone? – here the instruction of “jakfish” from the Pin64 forum

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by

  • This is what I used:

  • and from one of its links, I installed:
  • WINE,
  • then Word 97
  • and HanDBase.
  • There’s also exagear, once abandoned, now available again with a hacked registration.
  • exagear essentially works like box86

I had that running on a Planet Computer Gemini:

  • On the PP, I run Manjaro/xfce, and box86 plays nice.
  • I don’t know if box86 works as well with other OSs.
  • It takes a lot of downloading and compiling, however.
  • And don’t forget the long load time for x86 apps
  • though their memory demands they are quite modest
  • So they can simmer in the background once they’re up.

  • This should not be too difficult to install for someone with good coding skills.
  • And don’t forget, Word 97 is one of the most advanced Office applications on the Pinephone.

In the following video of leepspvideo demonstrates Wine: Running Windows Programs in Linux. Raspberry Pi 4 Twister OS

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