You want to build your own 32 channel EEG headset? – no problem – but is it worth it?

Last Updated on September 24, 2024 by

Chinese developers have already developed the 32 channel BEATS device. All components of this headset are open source and available. It is similar as with the Pinephone keyboard. The Pinephone keyboard is not available anymore. But you can let fabricate it by yourself. But will you be able to make money out of it? Pine64 wasn’t and has pulled it from the market.

But there are more options for you 32 channel EEG headsets:

  • The 32 channel system based on the ADS1299 Ti demo kit. The daisy chain algorithm for it are not open source. You have to code it yourself.
  • The 32 channel system based on on HackEEG. It is not available anymore. You have to let fabricate yourself.

You can also solder 32 TGAM modules together according to this instruction:

For having a 32 channel EEG device based on InfluxDB. But we expect that someone will build this sooner or later who is more skilled than we in soft- and hardware development. Will he start selling a board on Aliexpress with 32 TGAM modules which can be used with InfluxDB for 700 USD? Will it be someone who thinks a g.tec medical headset with 32 channels for 50 000 USD is too expensive. And Peter Gamma from

will continue to write price comparison charts as this one:

Becauce he thinks this helps the most to make EEG devices more affordable. And until that Peter can live with a 16 channel EEG device, and exploit it to the peak. He thinks it is worth to test if we can repair the OpenBCI modules which are sold on eBay and Aliexpress.

Medical Computer Systems in Moscow, Russia have aleady shown us a wireless mobile 16-channel EEG System for researchers:

And Ramin Maragey, biophysicist and scientific researcher at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has showed us an impressive guide for the the preparation of such an EEG heatset:

We count 21 EEG channels in Maragey’s EEG heatset. He uses an NVX 36 amplifier. NVX is a DC amplifier with 24, 32 or 48 monopolar EEG channels and 4 auxiliary bipolar channels for sensors:

But we can build a similar heatset with 16 channels buy ourselves from the components reviewed on, and we won t buy the heatset from Medical Computer Systems.

And for those who need a 32 or 64 EEG heatset right now, the can buy a SMARTING PRO X device from mBrainTrain in Serbia:

But we suppose boards with 32 TGAM modules for 32 EEG channels for around 700 USD and 64 TGAM modules for 64 EECG channels for around 1400 USD designed for InfluxDB will be available sooner or later on Aliexpress. The price for TGAM modules has remained stable over the last years, over even dropped slightly. But not the price for 32 channel EEG modules based on the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments. The price for those increased from around 700 USD to around 5 0000 USD.

For us personally, devices based on InfluxDB are the future, since the hardware costs are low. The software for such boards is not yet available open source. We suppose that it will be difficult for mBrainTrain to make a lot of money from their EEG devices. Since who will buy expensive EEG devices from mBrainTrain in Serbia if InfluxDB boards and software will be available which are cheaper sooner or later?

EEGLAB developer Arnaud Delorme was also invited to Serbia to give talks about mobile EEG devices, in Belgrad where mBrainTrain is located. But Delorme started now teaching Monday Meditation on YouTube. And the mBrainTrain crew can follow the example of Delorme if they want to, should they loose their jobs if devices based on InfluxDB will come onto the market which are cheaper than devices from mBrainTrain: