Wrong statements of William Croft in the OpenBCI forum about third party products?

Last Updated on September 9, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Can we trust William Croft’s statements about PiEEG? He wrote inthe www.openbci.com forum:

«The PiEEG has a Github I believe. AJ Keller’s project never produced any products beyond his prototype. Not sure if AJ even had the software to drive the board. PiEEG comes with software.

For safety reasons, any EEG system should be either battery powered, or comply with IEC 60601 medical standards. Neither of these board comply with 60601. Nor does OpenBCI, but those boards ARE battery powered.

I would be cautious with the PiEEG design. Some previous noise measurements I’ve seen, imply that they may not be complying with Texas Instruments “star ground” / multi-plane design standards (shown in the data sheet). And PiEEG recommends you connect the Pi digital Ground pin to the client. (As a noise reduction workaround).»


  • These statements of William Croft are not confirmed by other users to this date.

Be careful with statements of William Croft in the www.openbci.com forum about third party products he does not want to support.

  • For instance William Croft gave wrong satements about the OpenBCI WIFI shield.
  • He stated in the www.openbci.com forum that the shield cannot be repaired by a hardware update. This is wrong.
  • Stellarpower who tested the OpenBCI WIFI shield in the www.openbci.com forum was not supported there with all the details which are required to repair the OpenBCI Wifi shield. The details how this can be done can be found on www.petergamma.org.
  • Sellers on eBay and Aliexpress temporarily sold modules which had updated the issues of the WIFI shield. This proofs that the OpenBCI wifi shield can be repaired by a soft- and hardware update.