Why will there be eventually no YouTube demo of a issue-free WIFI shield and PiEEG 32?

Last Updated on January 9, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Because Neurosity want to sell us the Neurosity Crown with Wifi shield and Adam Feuer HackEEG with 32 channels based on Arduino? But both do not fit our needs, we rather stay with OpenBCI 16 channel and WIFI shield, which makes it diffult to be taken serious as meditation researchers. Therefore we invite also non YouTube demo makers and researchers with no conflict of interest to participate and to build a PiEEG32 channel device and write a paper about it.

A PiEEG devices with 4 PiEEG shields with 32 channels costs 4 x 350 USD which is 1 400 USD:


This is much cheaper than a g.tec medical multi-purpose device with 32 channels for 50 000 USD. PiEEG 8 channel will be available in mid 2024.