Who builts his development on the Pi 5 instead of the Pi 4 if nobody knows if Raspberry Pi Inc. goes to the stocks tomorrow & the price for the Pi 5 shoots up to 300 USD?

Last Updated on June 8, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Raspberry Pi Inc. eventually goes to the stocks:

  • This would mean that prices are controlled by brokers who work for the bank and want to maximize profits out of it.
  • Already during Corona the price for the Rasbperry Pi 4 went up to 200 – 300 USD for a used device on eBay.
  • During Corona, the Raspberry Pi 3 was still available for around 120 USD used on eBay.
  • If we want to build for instance a device which is based on a Raspberry Pi with PiEEG, and we build the device by ourselves, we do not have an alternative to Raspberry Pi’s to build it.
  • But let us not choose the latest Raspberry Pi model, but only the second latest for our development, if we do not want to risk to depent on a device from which brokers want to maximize profits from it.