Why Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is critical about the psychotherapists who treated him in Switzerland

Last Updated on March 8, 2025 by pg@petergamma.org

Shortly after Peter visited for the fist time a psychotherapist, he said to him:

„You are superior to me“.

And Peter did not know what his psychotherapist has meant with that. But 30 years later he knows what he meant:

Peters psychotherapist eventually meant he should look for a better therapist than him. Peter tried this but failed.

One of his psychotherapists once said to him:

„Psychotherapy is like a school for life“

Which would mean that the psychotherapist is a teacher. But who visits longer a psychotherapist who says his patient is superior to him? Only one who depends on him. And one of the view teachers who are better than his psychotherapist are Milarepa and Ajahn Chah. But unfortunately social insurance companies do not support to visit courses of Milarepa and Ajahn Chahn and their followers of tody.

So Peter struggles with worldly matters as Lama Pema Wangyal and Milarepa.

And did Milarepa not live a live which was similar to the one of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org? Both lived in a cave with a pile of books. And books are the only thing Peter can use today, Since someone seemed to sabotage his internet connection yesterday, as it happened in the past. And Peter does not know if this was done by his neigbours or by the Police.

So he has only his books as Milarepa had it, and he had not Internet yesterday.

And in spite of all of this Peter would like to thank all of those who support him: