Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Why does the Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Teacher Pema Wangyal not teach at Laghsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich until a better solution is found?

Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by

This would save a lot of flight costs. Every week Tibetan Buddist Meditation teachers fly from around the world to Zurich and back to teach there, for instance Robina Courtin from U.K.:

But why does Pema Wangyal not become a teacher at Laghsam Tibetan Meditation Zurich until a better solution is found? Does Pema Wangyal prefer to be a travel guide for trips to India?

Robina Courtin and Pema Wangyal teach different schools of Tibetan Buddhism. But for instance Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche taught all four major school of Tibetan Buddhism. Is it too difficult for Pema Wangyal to teach Mahāyāna Buddhim which is taught at Laghsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich? Do not some teachers teach at Laghsam in Zurich as if they would read from a book of teachings? Can Pema Wangyal not do this as well until a better solution is found? This would save a lot of flight costs.

Pema Wangyal is teacher for Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and teaches in Kollbrunn near Winterthur. This is one hour by train from Laghsam Tibetan Meditation Zurich. He was from 2006 to 2022 the representative of the Kagyu School at the Tibet Institute Rikon and worked there as a meditation master and yoga teacher for more than 16 years. He left the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastry in 2023. We can see him now as a travel guide on his YouTube channel YogTrack.

Does this situation not cause harm to Tibetan Buddhism in Switzerland, if these two centers for Tibetan Buddhism do not cooperate to change something about this situation? Who spends so much money for flight costs if another solution could be found? Tibet is a place which was a history which was difficult and is in a situation which is difficult. Do not a lot of Tibetan suffer because of this situation, especially the ones who are Buddhists and escaped? Who understands what Tibetan Buddhist Centers do now in Switzerland in such a situation of Tibet?