Why do we not have more centers in Switzerland where Loten Dahortsang & Lama Pema Wangyal can teach?

Last Updated on July 30, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

These two are former members of the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastry. As far as we know, both of them still teach there, but only as external teachers.

But next to that Loten Dahortsang recorded CDs with Tina Turner:

And Lama Pema Wangyal teaches Zogchen on his YouTube channel Yogtrak with sub-titles in Korean language with only 6 views one month after the video has been released:

Loten Dahortsang records CDs with an international Mega Star and Lama Pema Wangyal records videos with only 6 views after one month. Do both of them not have the same opportunities to realize themselves in Switzerland?

We have many different Buddhist meditation centers in Switzerland as for instance these one:

We have many meditation centers in Switzerland where Lama Pema Wangyal and Loten Dahortsang could teach. But do they not teach only at view places in Switzerland, especially Lama Pema Wangyal? Is Switzerland such a poor country with such poor inhabitants that no one can afford to support these two extraordinary and experienced meditation teachers equally so that they have similar oportunities to teach and transmit their teachings?

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