Why do we know so much about Polar OH1, Apple watches, Fenix 6, the Muse headband, OpenBCI Cyton, and so little about Robert Oostenveld?

Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

We suppose this is because there are so many people trying to sell us the Polar OH1, the Apple watch, the Fenix 6, the Muse Headband and the OpenBCI Cyton. Robert Oostenveld is not selling to us any products, but is writing scientific papers. These had 41 432 citations by other authors to this date. Unfortunately, Robert Oostenvelds papers are not cited by most YouTube and WordPress reviewers. This could be an explanation for this phenomenon.

We wonder that although we are interested in ECG, EEG, and PPG devices since several years, we only now found out about Robert Oostenvelds experience with OpenBCI Cyton.

If we knew Robert Oostenvelds experience with OpenBCI Cyton and other EEG devices before, we eventually would have spent much less time with OpenBCI Cyton. Therefore be careful with popular reviewers on YouTube and WordPress sites, don t trust them, and only read high quality scientific papers.