Who still chooses the Muse Headband for developing apps? – we invite you to choose OpenBCI, OpenBCI made in China or PiEEG instead

Last Updated on August 29, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

We noticed there are Muse app developer who develop new apps which depend on the Mind Monitor app. But who continues to develop Muse apps if the Muse SDK is not available anymore?

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org suggest to use OpenBCI, OpenBCI made in China or PiEEG instead of the Muse headband. Some of these hardware platforms still have issues which are described on www.petergamma.org. Peter Gamma needs your help to resolve these issues.

But he also invites you to ground your developments on these open platforms, and not on platforms such as the Muse headband which does not have an SDK anymore, and has issues for instance with steaming data to newer Raspberry Pi s.