Antoine Lutz is Director of Research at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Inserm – but does he have a brain scanner & how is he funded?

Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by

Antoine Lutz, PhD:


INSERM Director of Research at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center:

  • On the pictures shown at the website of the above link, we see no brain scanners.
  • But has the INSERM Research at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center a brain scanner?
  • And if so, has Antoine Lutz a research grant to use it?
  • Or is Antoine Lutz privately funded?
  • Eventually trough a marketing agency?
  • Similar to Rob ter Horst in Vienna?
  • Rob ter Horst sells smartwatches on YouTube, but what does Antoine Lutz sell?
  • What is striking about Antoine Lutz are the many papers on Google Scholar from him about mediation research. Is he funded for writing papers?
  • What is also striking are his many talks and YouTube videos about meditation.
  • But can Antoine Lutz make a living from this?
  • And if not, how is he funded?

Antoine Lutz was furthermore the first author of the paper:

Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice


in PNAS in 2004:

Is Antoine Lutz meditating with a brain scanner?

before meditating with a brain scanner?:

after meditating with a brain scanner?

Antoine Lutz has written many papers about meditation since around they year 2000, and he continues to write papers about meditation up to the present day:

Research Grants:

  • Dr. Lutz received an ERC Consolidator Grant in December 2013 to expand his research program on mindfulness meditation in Lyon, France.


  • Antoine Lutz can be found on many places in the web.
  • Search for him in the web.

Something which is special about Antoine Lutz:

  • We can find a lot of videos of Antoine Lutz on YouTube.
  • But all the same, we did not find a YouTube channel of Antoine Lutz where we clearly could identify Antoine Lutz, PhD.
  • The face of Antoine Lutz changed a lot in the past.
  • Look for it with Google Picture search.

More information about Antoine Lutz:

  • We have listed some more facts about Antoine Lutz here: