Who can save the Adinstruments Equivital & show in a high-quality scientific paper that it is free from ECG motion artifacts?

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Someone like the maker of the YouTube channel of Dr. Evan L. Matthews who is associate professor of Exercise Science at Montclair State University, and owns the Adinstruments LabChart software, as shown in this example:

With the Adinstruments LabChart software he could demonstrate that the Adinstruments Equivital is free from ECG motion artifacts, as show in this video:

And write a high quality scientific paper about it. Then the Adinstruments Equivital with LabChart software would be a (2 channel) ECG device which has been validated in a scientific study and can also be used by testers as Rob ter Horst as a reference device. But the only validation paper we know is this technical report of the US Army:


Which does not use the Adinstruments LabChart software. And we therefore have no validation paper, and the issue described here is still not resolved:

Or does Dr. Evan L. Matthews who is associate professor of Exercise Science at Montclair State University, not own the Adinstruments LabChart software, and he only made a demo with it and then have sent the device back to Adinstruments.