Which path did the pioneers for OpenBCI MQTT choose?

Last Updated on January 10, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

We were interested since a long time in OpenBCI MQTT. We know this paper, and where hoping for follow up papers, but we do not know of any which use OpenBCI MQTT or OpenBCI InfluxDB or Home Assistant.

Paper with OpenBCI MQTT:

  • The pioneers in OpenBCI MQTT transmission used an ODROID XU4 running Ubuntu 18.04 Mate and the user interface of the application, which we suppose was OpenBCI GUI
  • The interface allows to change the states of the IoT devices established on the MQTT server.
  • For the development of the user interface, the open-source framework called electron was used, since, it allows to develop lightweight cross-platform application using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

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