Which keyboard & mouse options work with the Linux Pinephone?

Last Updated on October 5, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

The battery Pinephone keyboard

  • it has a built in 6000mAh internal battery. This is rather small, and is only sufficient for about 3 hrs of working together with the phone battery
  • thing about adding another 10 000 mAh power bank for mobile applications
  • adding an usb mouse in addition to the Pinephone keyboard does not work:


  • the usb mouse does only works without the Pinephone keyboard

Bluetooth keyboard with trackpad


  • only one Bluetooth device at a time seem to work. But a Bluetooth keyboard with integrated trackpad works

Pinephone keyboard & Bluetooth mouse


  • adding more than one Bluetooth device seems not to work

An usb keyboard with integrated trackpad attached to the Pinephone dock

  • Pinephone developer Martijn Braam attached a Lenovo ThinkPad Red Point usb keyboard with integrated track pad to the Pinephone dock in a YouTube video demo:
  • a configuration which works according to the video
  • But do usb keyboards with separate mouse not work and has Martijn chosen this keyboard with integrated trackpad because of this?
  • LibreOffice as shown in Martijn Braam’s video is not recommended for the Pinephone, Alaraajavamma from the Pine64 forum uses Abiword and Gnumeric instead:
