Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by
Around 20 years ago, Matthieu Ricard., Buddhist Monk with a PhD. in Cellular Genetics reviewed a PNAS paper in which he participated and in which he was co-author on YouTube:
Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice
A key message of Matthieu Ricard was «happiness can be trained». But who would not expect that 20 years after this paper has been published, that the findings of this paper are confirmed by many other papers of other research institutes around the world, if the findings in this paper are really that revolutionary?
But what do we find 20 years later?
Robert Oostenveld, Associate Principal Investistigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour posted the Nike EEG headband on his blog in EEG, Research on May 21, 2015.

Oostenveld reviewed also the Unicorn Hybrid Black 8-channel EEG system on the 19.06.2022 on his blog.
And did not hunderts of paper authors, books sellers and products sellers offer us products which are similar to Robert Oostenveld’s Nike headband?
And if the scientific findings of the PNAS paper from 2004 are not confirmed by many other scientific studies in a convincily way 20 years later, and if there is an entanglement with the PNAS authors from 2004 and these product sellers, is the value of all of these papers, books and products which came onto the marked since 2004 which where triggered by this paper, higher than the value of the revolutionary cheek massager of Vedia Switzerland?
What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below?