Last Updated on December 16, 2022 by
- If we look at the data which are visualized in this demo, then we can see, that it is not very detailed.
- In the demo, we see not the detailed data, which we can see for instance in Garmin .fit files, or in the data recorded by a training tracker
- with Garmin watches, there are several options. One option, explained in a Polish YouTube video, it is explained, how to sync wellness data to Home Assistant
- in a Spanish video, it is explained how to sync activity data over Strava
- the closer we look at the options, we see that there are nowhere any big communities left, developers are scattered everywhere.
- we do not know in detail, which data we can get from an Apple watch
- with Garmin watches, we have data scientist Max Candocia, who created a Python tool to convert the Garmin .fit files to a .csv format which can be processed further
- the other tool is the Android app a Training Tracker from Dr. Ing. Rainer Blind, formerly Universität Stuttgart, Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
- the app allows to record an infinite number of sensors into .csv format
- it allows to sync data to different platforms, for instance to Strava, but we do not know whether all sensor data are synced
- it allows also to sync to Golden Cheetah, where there are some options for data processing, for instance in Python
- the more we study the different options which are available to access sensor data from a Garmin watches, the more we suspect that there are people at Garmin who work the whole day to prevent that users can access their data, and as a result we are required to work the whole day to find a way to access these data, if we really want to.