Last Updated on November 20, 2024 by
Peter Gamma from

says: on
„Meditationsszene Schweiz“
Vanja Palmers, Diego Hangartner, Martin Kalff , Fred von Allmen and many more. And we would like to thank Lukas Widmer for his great work of Meditationsszene Schweiz he did by intereviewing those.
The interview with Vanja Palmers recorded one year ago has 154 views up to the present day:
Vanja Palmers is the leader as far as views on “Meditationsszene Schweiz” is concerned.
Top meditator Diego Hangartner reached 103 views with his interview which was recorded 4 month ago.
He reaches position four on “Meditationsszene Schweiz”.
We hope for more views for the stars on the “Meditationsszene Schweiz” in the future. And we would highly appreciate new reports about these stars on YouTube, and in the Tages Anzeiger, the NZZ, on Swiss TV and in the The New York Times in the future.