Where can we find a center in Switzerland where spiritual teachers teach who are supported by a foundation?

Last Updated on May 12, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

For instance in the Tibet Insitute Monastry Rikon:

which is funded by the

“Tibet Institute Rikon foundation»:



There we can find spiritual teachers such as:

Pema Wangyal

who recently taught

Swiss comedian

Manu Burkart

how to meditate:

Pema Wangyal teaches now at the

Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn:


And has a new look:


He lives in a six square meters room. Pema Wangyal has moved out of the Tibet Institute in Rikon and opened a meditation center. He lives on a subsistence level, but is not afraid of failure:


Is he funded by zueriost.ch, where we have to pay a fee to read the whole article about Pema Wangyal and how he founded his meditation center in Kollbrunn?

The 47-year-old is a Tibetan Buddhist monk. In 2006 he came to Switzerland on behalf of the Tibetan government in exile and lived in the Tibet Institute in Rikon for almost 17 years; He moved out last spring. Since then, he has been making ends meet with meditation and yoga classes at his center near Kollbrunn train station and struggling with worldly life.

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