Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by
To all armbian developers, who want to develop a device which can be compared to the Pinephone and the Raspberry Pi zero w2. An “armbian USB-c docking bar” is required similar to the Pinephone pro usb-c dock:
- The Pinephone pro usb-c dock works with the Pinephone pro and postmarketOS.
- To have a single board computer which can be compared to this setup we need to to start with:
1) a single board computer, as for instance the MangoPi MQ Quad SBC:
- or a similar device.
2) only one usb-c adapter, we suggest for instance this one:
- leebsvideo has got get to work a similar usb-c adapter with a Raspbery Pi zero w2:
he showed that
- four usb hard drives
- ethernet over usb
- a secund usb adapter with 4 additional usb plugs
- usb keyboard and mouse
- 4 gaming consoles
worked with this usb-c adapter
- I can confirm that a Raspberry Pi zero w2 with the usb-c adapter from Aliexpress shown above works for usb keyboard and mouse.
3) Only one single armbian distro which is confirmed that it works with the the single usb-c adapter which is tested and confirmed
- Since who wants to test all the usb-c adapters with all the armbian distros which run on all armbian devices?
- alaraajavamma from the Pine64 forum tested 12 usb-c adapters with the PinePhone pro, most of them worked:
But is this also the case with usb-c adapters and armbian?