When will we have a new OHRM from Polar which is as accurate or more accurate than the Apple watch?

Last Updated on December 10, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Is the construction principle of the Polar OHRMs since the Polar OH1 not superior to wrist based devices such as Apple watches? Is it not only logical that non-wrist based OHRMs should be more accurate than wrist based OHRMS? The wrist is not an optimal placement for a OHRM. Polar is an experienced developer of HRMs which is much longer in the business than Apple. And Polar developed the non-wrist based Polar OH1 after their wrist based OHRMs.

We where very surprised that Apple could beat the Polar OH1 and the Verity Sense, but until now we can see that only in Rob ter Horst plots. And how big the difference is in percent we cannot learn from Rob. The only new development which we know according to our own little knowledge which could explain the high accuracy of the wrist based Apple watches is the integration of HeartPy. Our hypothesis is that the integration of HeartPy made out of the Polar OH1 the Verity Sense with a longer running time.

To get the same high accuracy as Apple watches in the plots of Rob ter Horst would require according to our own little knowledge a bigger battery. And we hope that such a new OHRM will come onto the market from Polar soon.