When was Pema Wangyal from Tibet the happiest & when did he suffer the most?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Pema Wangyal from Tibet

  • He graduated at the Central Universities of Tibetan Higher Studies, Sarnath:India
  • He received a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy in the year 2006.
  • In the year 2006 he came to Switzerland on behalf of the Tibetan government in exile
  • he lived in the Tibet Institute in Rikon for almost 17 years:
  • SRF bi de Lüt – Live” visited Pema Wangyal at the Tibet Institute Rikon on September 11th, 2021).
  • His student which he taught meditation was Manu Burkart, who is a comedian be profession:

But since 2023 Pema Wangyal is teacher at Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn


  • And here we can see him on YouTube:
  • When was Pema Wangyal from Tibet the happiest & when did he suffer the most?
  • Is Pema Wangyal also tracked with a brain scanner?
  • Do we really need a brain scanner to find out when he was the happiest & when did he suffer the most?
  • Is it possible with a brain scanner, to find out the happiest & when did he suffer the most?

Buddha has taught 84 000 teachings:

but to put that into very simple worlds,
is to have a good heart,
and what does it mean to have a good heart is,
to have the intention to free all beings
from physical and mental suffering.
And this is summarized the 84 000 teachings into simple words.

And do psychiatrists and social workers
not also teach 84 000 teachings?
But to put that into very simple worlds,
do psychiatrists and social workers
not have a good heart as well?
And what does it mean to have a good heart is,
to have the intention to free all beings,
from physical and mental suffering.
And is this summarized the 84 000 teachings of the psychiatrists and social workers put into into simple words?

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