What will happen if the results of Rob ter Horsts scientific smartwatch tests are wrong – will he kill himself as Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago as a Molecular Biologist in Zurich, when his results where not confirmed by other scientists?

Last Updated on April 7, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Rob ter Horst is post-doctoral researcher from the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna who is specialized in biological data analysis. He tested more than 100 smartwatches scientifically on his YouTube channel against a Polar H10 chest strap:

Giulio Superti-Furga is the Scientific Director of CeMM in Vienna where Rob ter Horst works:

Giulio Superti-Furga worked previously as a Molecular Biologist at the University of Zurich in Charles Weissmann’s lab. Is Charles Weissmann not the most famous Molecular Biologist in Switzerland to the present day?:


30 years ago, also Isidro Ballart worked in Charles Weissmann’s lab in Zurich. But Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago. Other scientists did not confirm his results:

Is the Institute of Giulio Superti-Furga, the CeMM in Vienna where Rob ter Horst works not at the level where the Institute of the world renowned Molecular Biologist Charles Weissmann in Zurich was? But what will happen, if Rob ter Horst’s results with his more than 100 smartwatches are not confirmed by other scientists?

A hypothesis of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is, that marketing agencies already have all the scientific data about all the smartwatches, and do not want that these data are published, since this would lower their sales rates. And they led only Rob ter Horst repeat their scientific tests, which they supervise. But do they not want that other people repeat Rob ter Horst’s tests on YouTube, by offering them no smartwatches to test for free? And they also fund no further scientific papers about smartwatches as well?

But suppose all the same that Rob ter Horsts scientific data about smartwatches turn out to be wrong. Will Rob ter Horst kill himself as Molecular Biologist Isidro Ballard killed himself 30 years ago in Zurich? What happened 30 years ago in Zurich has affected the scientific career of Isidro Ballard and he killed himself. But what happens if Rob ter Horsts tests with his smartwatches would turn out to be wrong?

The Quantified Scientist Rob ter Horst indicates on LinkedIn that he is a self-employed (Mar 2020 – present) as the maker of his YouTube channel:


But what happens if his scientific data he publishes there turn out to be wrong? Can he still make money out of being a self-employed YouTube video maker? And would this not also affect his scientific career as a post-doctoral researcher at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna where he works and is a specialist in biological data analysis?

Is Rob ter Horst not well-known for being a scientific smartwatch accuracy tester who tested more than 100 smartwatches? But are his tests not controversial, since they do not include 3 channel ECG devices which are known to be the most accurate devices for scientific studies? And are not his testing protocols controversial, since he does not include a treadmill protocol, which would allow very accurate testing? And controversial because of only choosing a Polar H10 chest strap as his only reference device? And is the paper which validated the Polar H10 not controversial as well?:

Has Rob ter Horst further plans for his career as a post-doctoral researcher at the he CeMM Research Center in Vienna, for instance to receive a Nobel Prize in Medicine for scientific research about meditation, or how mental suffering can be cured based on scientific findings?

Or does Rob ter Horst want to test smartwatches for the rest of his life? And if he continues his smartwatch tests as he did this in recent years, without modifying his tests and basically not reacting on critisism, is he then not rather a smartwatch seller than a scientists?

What is your opinion about Rob ter Horst? Write it in the comments below?