Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

What to expect from Word 97 on the Pinephone – let’s get started

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by

We found video demonstrations from the unofficial VHS Archive about Word 97:

Getting Started with Word 97:

Intermediate Guide to Word 97:

Advanced guide to Word 97:

And don’t forget, Word 97 is one of the most advanced Office program on the Pinephone:

And here is how it installs:

  • I tested Abiword and Gnumeric on the Pinephone.
  • But I know and used also Word 97 or similar versons from Word.
  • These Word applications are more feature rich than Abiword which is quiet basic.
  • Abiword and Gnumeric only allow limited control over the app with keyboard short cuts.
  • This is better with Word 97.
  • Furhtermore menus can be newly structured.
  • When I looked at Abiword and Gnumeric I found those two apps which developed 10 years ago quiet basic.
  • Word 97 was released 27 years ago, but it was a full deskop office application which was used by professionals.
  • So altough Word 97 is much older than Abword it is most probably superior to Abord on the Pinephone.
  • But me personally I use Softmaker for Android. It has the full functionality of the dektop software and is still updated in 2024.
  • Furthermore even a Rasbperry Pi zero w allows the installation of LibreOffice.
  • And if you add a 7 inch screen LibreOffice should be usable.
  • I have not tested this extensively
  • but I tested LibreOffice shortly with a 7 inch screen
  • and I came to the conclusion that for me personally a 7 inch screen is sufficent
  • sufficient so that LibreOffice is usable without any adaptation to the screen size.