What remains to say 20 years after the PNAS paper «Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice»?

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

  • We found new pictures from this paper, but why are dated from 2008?


  • Notes
  • Author contributions: A.L., M.R., and R.J.D. designed research;
  • A.L. and N.B.R. performed research;
  • A.L. and L.L.G. analyzed data;
  • and A.L. and R.J.D. wrote the paper.


  • We thank J. Dunne for Tibetan translation;
  • A. Shah, A. Francis, and J. Hanson for assistance in data collection and preanalysis;
  • the long-time Buddhist practitioners who participated in the study;
  • J.-Ph. Lachaux,
  • J. Martinerie,
  • W. Singer, and
  • G. Tononi and his team for suggestions on the manuscript;
  • F. Varela for early inspirations;
  • and His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his encouragement and advice in the conducting of this research.
  • We also thank the Mind and Life Institute for providing the initial contacts and support to make this research possible.

This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Mind-Body Center Grant P50-MH61083

  • the Fyssen Foundation,
  • and a gift from Edwin Cook and Adrianne Ryder-Cook.
  • So this paper was not a paid promotional paper to promote the sales rates of Altered Traits and OpenBCI EEG
  • Notes of Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org
  • some well-known persons such as:
  • Wolf Singer
  • F. Varela
  • and His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his encouragement and advice in the conducting of this research.

Where involved.

This lowers the probablity that Antoine Lutz manipulated the scientific data to fit the expectations, as we have articulated a hypothesis:

Since would this not be highly risky for Antoine Lutz and his scientific career?

But if meditation research would be a hot topic, would not the Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology in Zurich participate with more people than Alex Gamma?:

Alex Gamma before meditating?

Alex Gamma after meditating?

And also Novartis Basel with participate with the Novartis CEO Vasant Narasimhan?

Vasant Narasimhan before meditating?

Vasant Narasimhan after meditating?

  • But does not also the face of Novartis CEO Vasant Narasimhan seem to never change. even after meditating?
  • Never change as the face of Swiss Abt Werlen?
  • Or Joseph Maria Bonnemain, spiritual leader of the Swiss Catholic Church in Chur?

Would not Novartis have done research on meditation a long time ago, if it would be a hot topic, and sell products such as for instance Novartis Muse headbands as well?

So will meditation research be more than a student project, as Arnaud Delorme suggested it would be in the future?

And if not, will:

  • Altered Traits 2 with the effect of 40 min. pe published in 17 years from now?
  • Altered Traits 3 with the effect of 60 min. be published in 34 years from now?
  • And will Altered Traits book be published up to a a full-time training of 24 hours?
  • If we look a bit a the projects of Antoine Lutz and his papers on Google Scholar:


  • Is Antoine Lutz not some kind of «professor for meditation research»?
  • But where is his research institute and his fund for meditation research?
  • And is Antoine Lutz, as well as his .cv controlled by a marketing software?
  • But still Antoine Lutz does not sell any Muse headbands, and also no g.tec Unicorn Blacks.
  • And is one of the main goals but also problem to find out how money can be made out out of meditation research?
  • What is your view about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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