Why do EEG devices up to 50 000 USD suck?

Last Updated on March 14, 2025 by pg@petergamma.org

  • The g.tec medical multi-purpose headset is sold for around 50 000 USD

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

has reviewed many EEG devices up to the g.tec 32 headset.

  • Are the prices of these devices linked to each other?
  • Is there a marketing trust?
  • Everything that works somehow as already been tried?
  • And everything from which one can make money out of it has already been tried as well?
  • And new developments are rare, since the future is InfluxDB?
  • But devices based on InfluxDB suck even more, since InfluxDB is complicated?

And the EEG headband with 4 channels from iWorx sucks as well, since it is so expensive, that it is not even worth it to ask for a quote, all amplifiers included?

  • So the only EEG device which does not suck up to 50 000 USD is a device which is built with the same components as eventually are used in the iWorx 4 channel EEG headband.
  • And that is ADS1115 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter:

Plus TGAM module

But since Peter has no fun to code and soldier in his spare time to build such an EEG headband by himself the last hope for Peter are the final year engineering students from India

who write a paper about such an EEG headband and publish an instruction on YouTube.

But we eventually find this instruction already here:


Which can eventually be build for Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org as well, but without fun, and he has no spare time to do it anywhay, because of neighborly conflict. But what else can he do?