What is the goal of shops who sell EEG products on Aliexpress? – to maximize profit from it? – will they not loose their view costumers they have up to this date?

Last Updated on April 4, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • from what we experience, we ask the question: do Aliexpress seller offer any new EEG products?
  • do Aliexpress EEG device sellers only clone devices from other manufacturers?
  • do they use business software to control the market?
  • does this mean, they actually do not offer any advantages?
  • from what we experience for instance with Tenocom medical EEG caps, they start with affordable prices, and produce more expensive EEG caps from which we do not know if ever someone will buy those.
  • We observed similar things from BITalino and Biosignals Plux.
  • Both offer a big store, but are they controlled by business scientists?
  • Is it the goal of these sellers, to make money out of device, from which we believe it is very difficult to make money out?
  • And as fas a Alexpress sellers is concerned. Do the companies behind simply clone EEG devices from other companies, and then slowly rise the prices for these devices?
  • We observed this with single board computers. Orange Pi 5 computers where first offered at competitive prices, and then prices where fast adapted to a level of other devices?
  • Will the same happen with EEG devices? Do the companies behind Aliexpress sellers simply clone EEG products from other sellers, and then slowly increase the prices for those, to reach the same level which they have at other places?
  • What is the advantage then to buy from Aliexpress? Shipping costs to China are high, and often arrises the question, what will happen if a device get broken and is under warranty. Is it worth to send it back to China.
  • If a product is good in the market, Swiss companies offer them also. But with EEG devices, are there any we discussed in this journal which are offered also by Swiss companies?