When is a person completely mentally healthy?

Last Updated on August 29, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

What must Richard Davidson do to receive a Nobel Prize? He must find a scientific way how a person can be healed completely. But Richard Davidsons group only found out that 20 min of daily practice of meditation causes changes in the brain which can be objectively measured by a brain scanner. But what is the effect of 20 min. daily practice of meditation? Is it engough to heal someone completely who suffers from a mental illness?

To find out how to heal a person completely, must Richard Davidon not track the brains of around 17 Dilgo Kihenze Rhinpoches with brain scanners for about 13 years who practice for around 13 years in a cave until they are completely «enlightened»? And study the altered traits in their brains which occur during this time?

The term «enlightened» has a different meaning in different schools of yoga and meditation. In this video, Sadhguru talks about machines who can make a person enlightened in 30 minutes:

Sadhguru is very popular in India, and give talks at the Harvard University for instance at Youth and Truth, where he talks about his enlightened experience. To be able to measure an effect caused by a daily practice of meditation is great. But how long does it take to heal a person completely who suffers from a mental illness? Ajahn Amaro, Buddhist monk, teacher, and abbot of the Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in South East England writes in one of his teachings:


According to the Buddhist teachings a person is only then completely healthy when he is completely enlightened.

We do not remember exactly where this quote from Ajahn Amaro can be found, but if we remember correctly it can be found in a book about meditation in which Ajahn Amaro is co-author.