What do single board computer sellers try to force us to do?

Last Updated on April 27, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org


  • First, Raspberry Pi has a community of developers, but Raspberries are not available in Switzerland. Do SBC seller try to force us to buy a different product, which is not developed?


  • Do SBC seller try to force us to buy a more expensive model, as soon as we are interested in it? As for instance in the example of the LattePandas. Raspberry Pi´s where not available in Switzerland when we started reviewing. Then we became interested in the LattePanda Delta and the LattePanda 3. But during our review and during our communication which shops in Switzerland we experienced that the LattePanda Delta was no longer offered by a seller because it was no longer available. But it was not replaced by the LattePanda 3 Delta. Which leave the only option to buy the more expensive LattePanda Alpha. Is this the goal of single computer sellers to force us to buy more expensive models?


  • Do single board computer seller start selling devices at a low price, and as soon as buyers give positive reports increase the price?


  • If we critizise a product, to seller pull it from the market, to force us to buy another device instead of critizising a product?