Last Updated on May 14, 2024 by
The example of the Saint Milarepa
- the most famous poet of Tibet
- the founder of the Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism went begging for food, family members & neighbors attacked him & he barely escaped – did he have problems to make a living from what he did?
- Milarepa (1052-1135) who was famously known as a murderer when he was a young man, before turning to Buddhism:
- Milarepa meditated in mountain retreat and nettles turned his skin green:

“The stunning lesson in impermanence gave Milarepa the final push he needed to follow Marpa’s command to meditate in mountain retreat. He stayed there for many years, until his clothes turned to rags, his bones protruded, and the nettles he ate turned his skin green. Hunters and thieves who came upon him thought he was a ghost. When he went begging for food, his uncle, aunt, and neighbors attacked him, and he barely escaped. His sister, who had also become a beggar, wept in misery at his apparently even sorrier state.”
The example of the Saint Niklaus von Flue

- And what did Niklaus von Flüe, the wholy brother Klaus from Switzerland make a living from?
- In October 1467 he left his family for the High Rhine to join a group of hermits in Alsace, but after a new vision that had struck him on the way in Waldenburg near Basel, he suddenly returned home, sneaking past his family’s house at night to descend behind it into the Ranft Gorge and to build a klus, a hermitage, for himself down there.
where he would live for the next 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host, a quarter of an hour away from his house, into which he never climbed again.
- He died on March 21, 1487, his 70th birthday, in the presence of his wife, who had regularly visited him down there.
- Brother Klaus died at the age of 70 on March 21, 1487 in Ranft
- 1947 the Pope Pius XII. canonized him in Rome.
- A saint have to do some miracles to become a saint
Niklaus von Flue lived for 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host.
- If Peter Gamma from remembers correclty he found somewhere in the web, that soldiers controlled Niklaus von Flüe to find out if this is really true:

- But the solders could not proof that this is not true who had observed Niklaus von Flüe.
- In 1947 Pope Pius XII declaired Niklaus von Flue declaired holy.
- To be declaired wholy by the Catholic Church requires that a person has done several miracles which are historically documented.
- Is not the definition of a miracle that this is something which is in contradiction to the natural laws?
- Niklaus von Flue lived for 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host.
- Was this not one if the miracles of Niklaus von Flue, a miracle which was necessary to declare him holy?
- But is it possilbe that a human being can live for 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host?
- Or is this only possible for saints who stand above the natural laws?
- Check the literature of the Catholic Church, but also the scientific literature about this topic, and read about it in the scientific literature how much a human being needs to survice, and check if it is possible to live from Eucharistic Host alone, and if everthing a human needs to survive is in there, or if this is only possible for a saint?
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