Last Updated on September 10, 2024 by

They did this in several papers, for instance in these two:
EEG data acquisition system 32 channels based on Raspberry Pi with relative power ratio and brain symmetry index features
Development of electroencephalography (EEG) data acquisition system based on FPGA PYNQ
- The comparison between the developed system and Neurostyle NS-EEG-D1 System acquiring the same EEG data shows correlation parameter gradient of 0.9818, y-intercept with -0.1803, and R squared of 0.9742 based on the least square analysis.
The parameter above indicated that the developed system was adequate enough, if not on a par, with the commercialized, medical grade EEG data acquisition system Neurostyle NS-EEG-D1 as the system assured and maintained accuracy with higher sampling frequency
- A FPGA PYNQ-based 32-channel data acquisition system to acquire and process EEG signal has been built, utilizing the Front-End ADC ADS1299EEG-FE connected with SPI in daisy-chain configuration.
From the results of the signal shape comparisons for channels O1, FP1, and P3, the signal forms obtained between acquisition systems made with NEUROSTYLE, show similar shapes.
- The research is supported by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, PDUPT Research Grant 380/UN2.R3.1/HKP05.00/2018 and Universitas Indonesia.
see also the discussion here:
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