Where Yogi Bhajan & Satyavrati Yogi unhappy, unhealthy & unholy?

Last Updated on January 18, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

What to do if we hear the stories of spiritual leaders such as Yogi Bhajan, founder of 3HO, the Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization and his student Jean-Louis Astoul alias Karta Singh alias Satyavrati Yogi, founder of Amrit Nam Sarovar International Kundalini Yoga School?

People who teach their students to «be happy, be healthy, be holy», but at the same time teach them as well that «rape is always invited», and then become accused of sexual abuse, trigger investigations which find out thas such allegations most likely true, get accused of sexual assault on employees and students until they are stopped by the Police, placed under judicial supervision with obligations not to enter into contact with the victims, have to pay deposits of thousands of dollar because of this, have to report regularly to the Police, and their passports are taken away from those?

Are these acts acts of people who teach their students to «be happy, be healthy, be holy», but
themselves are unhappy, unhealthy & unholy?

What can we do in face of all of this?

  1. We can make it clear immediately and specifically that we do not accept their actions.

2. We can go to the Police as well if we are victims of those as well.

3. We can go to the newspapers and make it public.

4. We can start our own Independent Investigation Reports.

5. We can demand that oranzations like 3HO should take steps to disassociate themselves from people who do such things.

6. And now we found out that 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) is a controversial organization as well:


  • and we have to ask ourselves what to do if 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) is controversoal?

7. Another option is not to follow these people, but to follow people who where declared as holy people what these two where not declared. The following people where declared as holy: