We report here that we made very negative experiences with DFRobot products for the second time

Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

1) We have lost o lot of time because of DFRobot, it was almost a week of evaluation time

  • It took us almost a week to review the Linux options of the LattePanda V1.
  • In the instruction of DFRobot, it says clearly that it is possible to install Lubuntu on the LattePanda V1.
  • But when we had a closer look to the instruction of DFRobot about Linux, we sah that there is an instruction, but the code is not published, and it is very difficult, it is something for coders. And we do not know of a single user who installed Lubuntu on the LattePanda V1, an option which would make the LattePanda V1 an interesting option for us personally.
  • But without Lubuntu, the LattePanda V1 is only an emergency solution, until we find something better.
  • At the first sight, it looks easy to install Lubuntu on the LattePanda V1. But at the second sight it looks very difficult to us personally, it is something for coders, and we won’t do it.
  • We lost a lot of time because of this instruction, it took us almost a week to review all the components, and at the end we found that the LattePanda V1 cannot solve our problem satisfyingly and easily.
  • Part of this issue is described here:
  • The further issues we had with the LattePanda V1 are described in the posts which follow the posts is linked above.

Therefore we put DFRobot products on our black list for the first time

2) The second negative experience with the DFRobot product LattePanda

  • we reviewed in the last view posts the LattePanda 3 Delta and published some links to the DF Robot site.
  • Since then, DFRobot increased the price for the LattePanda 3 Delta for 40 USD more, where we have put a link to.

We review products, and DFRobot profits from us and increases prices? Not with us, look for someone else for this game

  • DFRobot profits and we as reviewers are the harmed by DFRobot?
  • It is not the first time that we experienced this phenomeon. Look in our journal, it is described there.

For us personally, this is a reason to put DFRobot on the black list for the second time.

  • We are reviewing products and loose time with it, DF Robot increases prices and profits from us.

We warn all reviewer to publish only isses about DF Robot products and publish if they give up this products, and nothing else about DF Robot, else you will eventually be the harmed by increased prices

  • and that is a reason for us personally to put DR Robot on the black list of companies who does this kind of practice.

We reviewed the DFRobot LattePanda 3 Delta, but it is still an expensive product

  • it has an active cooling which draws a lot of power, and we do not know if this product fits for our needs.

There is product on the market which is more interesting for us peronally

  • this is the Orange Pi 5, but only as long as Orange does not increase the price for the Orange Pi 5 as a consequence of our review.

If Orange has the same kind of practice, we will put Orange products on the black list as well.

But we do not know if there is an association of companies who have a marketing trust which is forbitten in Switzerland. A marketing trust not to compete with each other but to keep prices high for SBCs?. The trend of the world is that prices for hard- and software products trop and they become better. But not with SBC, on the contrary. This could eventually be caused by a marketing trust which is illegal in Switzerland.

If we observe that DFRobot as well as Orange belong to a marketing trust, we are considering legal action against companies who violate Swiss laws against marketing trusts. Marketing trusts are forbitten in Switzerland.

And if companies violate Swiss laws, we are considering legal actions against those companies, you risk to be condemned to violate Swiss law, we will publish it, and you risk that you eventually no longer be allowed to sell products in Switzerland.