We invite you to choose alternatives to the Muse Headband for your 3 th party developments

Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Prof. Dr. Flavio Fröhlich UNC Neuroscience Center, Chapel Hill, USA had issues with the Muse Headband and the Raspberry Pi 4:


Interaxon does not support 3.th party developments anymore. Interaxon has pulled the Muse SDK from the market, so it is not possible anymore the make your own development. Alexandre Barachants Muse Headband LabStreamingLayer interface is a reverse engineering development of Alexandre and his friend as he once said he made over the week-end. OpenBCI is more open regarding own developments. Here is an example how to connect OpenBCI Cyton to a Raspberry Pi 3 model B+:


The author writes it should also work with the Raspberry Pi 4. If you are looking for an affordable alternative to OpenBCI Cyton, you can try if you can fix OpenBCI modules which are sold on eBay and Aliexpress. You can find instructions how to this on my site www.petergamma.org.

An even better solution for the Raspberry Pi would be PiEEG, since it is a Raspberry Pi hat:


But PiEEG is new and there are rumors that it has issues with noise. Please help me if you can and test PiEEG, publish issues in the PiEEG forum if you find such:


and send PiEEG back to Elecrow if it has issues. According my own little personal experience it is better to choose open platforms than a platform such as the Muse Headband which does not support 3.th party developments anymore.