Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by

Flavio Frohlich is currently a tenured associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Cell Biology and Physiology. In addition, he is a member of the UNC, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. If you want to learn more about Flavio Frohlich, check the Fohlichlab site:
Flavio Frohlich some time ago wanted to stream his Muse headband to a Raspberry Pi 4. Unfortunately this did not work. So he opened an issue on Alexandre Barachants GITHUB:
Issue with EEG Stream on Raspberry PI 4 #140
Unfortunately Flavio’s issue is still not resolved up to this date, and he cannot use his Muse headband with his Raspberry Pi 4. Flavio wrote somewhere that he wanted to test devices like the Muse headband to use with the Raspberry Pi. Flavio Frohlich, PhD is a research scientist with an excellent education:
- he received a degree in electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
- an International Diploma in electrical engineering at the Imperial College in London
- and PhD in computational neurobiology at UC San Diego
- He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University
We reviewed for a longer period about how to use devices like the Muse headband for our projects. And then our Swiss colleague and friend Flavio Frohlich who seem to have similar interests as Peter Gamma became interested in the Muse headband and how to use it with a Raspberry Pi 4. Unfortunately Flavio Frohlich failed with this project. But we think PiEEG would be an alternative Flavio.
We think it is a big mistake of PiEEG to first announce PiEEG with 8 channels for mid 2024, and then suddenly publish that it is not available anymore:
It was a lot of work for Peter Gamma to review PiEEG in his journal. These are reviews which eventually could also be helpful for other people such as Flavio Frohlich. If we understood Flavio currectly, he is interested in such devices. We can completely not follow what PiEEG does with their product, and that is to confuse and irritate Swiss costumers at the level of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and leave them perplexed.
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