We found a second solution if DFRobot does not want to deliver the LattePanda 3 Delta to Digitec Switzerland

Last Updated on April 28, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

If we do not use:

  • Matlab
  • Python LabStreamingLayer
  • a Home Assistant x86-64 image which allows easy editing of the Home Assistant .yaml files

There are other solutions available for this such as Python, MQTT and Raspberry Pi instructions how to run the Home Assistant Operating system on a Raspberry Pi, this requires an additional Raspberry Pi. And we eventually also find a solution how to run a Home Assitant Operating System on a Orange Pi 5, then we can choose the following solution:

we can solve this problem:

like this:

1. Orange Pi 5 Arm based SBC

2. 10 000 mAh power bank

3. we need eventually as second power bank:

4. and put the power banks in the pockets of our trousers:

  • This solution is much more handy than the solution the solution with x86.