We are looking for a John Park who connects the Adafruit Pyloton Bike Computer to Adafruit IO or Home Assistant & InfluxDB in an easy way according to our suggestion

Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

We reviewed many great low-cost high quality physiological sensors on our site, which cost up to around 2000 USD. Unfortunately where not able to connect those to a data analysis software for sensor processing. We aren t coders, as you can see on our GITHUB page:


There are different data analysis software available for multi-sensor processing. The software for this sometimes costs as much as a small car.

But does it make any sense to connect an Adafruit Pyloton Computer and a OpenBCI 16 channel setup to this expensive software? Are such software costs proportionate to the costs of an Adafruit Pyloton or an OpenBCI EEG setup with 16 channels?

We can buy all these great multi-sensor devices. Research-grade devices which the same options cost estimated 10 times more than these devices. Unfortunately, we where not able to connect those to a single data analysis software which stream these sensors into a single data base software to this date, which is affordable. We feel like we have a great car, but we don’t have wheels on the car to drive it.

Our preferred data analysis software is Python, and our preferred database is InfluxDB. But we do not know of a simple example for InfluxDB to stream multi sensor devices into it, which can be modified to solve our problem.

We now found a great tutorial of Paul Warren Eaton from Finland who is renovating his home, how to download Nord Pool electricity prices, convert it s format, and import it into InfluxDB in Home Assistant in .csv format. This is an easy example how to manually inject data into InfluxDB, which uses Unix timestamps and data values. It uses Home Assistant as a platform, and requires no coding skills. But to manually inject .csv files into InfluDB is time consuming. Adafruit has a great Pyloton Open Source Bike computer, and showed us an example how to stream BLE sensor data to Adafruit IO:

We are very happy out the Adafruit Pyloton and the example how to send BLE sensor data to Adafruit IO. We are convinced, that this example is a way to solve our multi-sensor problem. Unfortunately, we lack of time to connect the Adafruit Pyloton to Adafruit IO on the described path. But now, we found the great tutorials of Paul Warren Eaton from Finland who is renovating his home, how to download Nord Pool electricity prices, convert it s format, and import it into InfluxDB in Home Assistant in .csv format:

After we have studied Paul Warren Eatons instruction, we can imagine to modify Pauls instruction for instance to connect the Adafruit Pyloton to Home Assistant to stream sensor data into InfluxDB by user controlled scripts, which can also be coded by users who lack of coding skills.

Unfortunately, we currently lack of time to realize this project. But we are convinced, that this instruction is also helpful to other users who are looking for a multi-sensor InfluxDB solution, who do not want to buy a multi-sensor data analysis software which costs as much as a small car.

Therefore we are looking for a John Park who connects the Adafruit Pyloton Bike Computer to Adafruit IO or Home Assistant and InfluxDB, as described above, and makes a YouTube video about it. We are looking for a John Park who does it for Adafruit, or for a coder with good coding skills who does it for fun and in it s spare time.