Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by
This g.tec multi-purpose devcice from g.tec which currently costs 50 000 USD:
We want to build a more affordable open source device from 4 PiEEG modules made in China for 230 USD each.
PiEEG’s with 8 channel made in China for 230 USD are not yet on the market, and we do not know if they ever will come. But if they where, this would give a total of 920 USD for a 32 channel device. 32 Channels is the number of channels as the g.tec device shown above has.
We think it is technologically possible to build such a 32 channel device from four PiEEG 8 channel modules, as we have described here:
Based on the OpenBCI made in China products which are currently on the market:
We do not know if it is possible.
g.tec medical engineering GmbH was founded by Dr. Christoph Guger and Dr. Günter Edlinger in 1999 in Austria

g.tec develops and produces high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies for invasive and non-invasive recordings for research or clinical purposes.
Is it not time for a more affordable open source device than the one from g.tec?
But as soon as OpenBCI made in China increases the prizes for four PiEEGs from China (which are not yet on the market, and we do not know if they ever will come) from 920 USD to 50 000 USD, we will retreat from OpenBCI made in China products:
and decide to build new devices which are based on individual electronics components and InfluxDB.