Was Swiss Buddhist monk Tenzin Michael trained as a Buddhist monk with a brain scanner & studied in a scientific study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)?

Last Updated on May 4, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Doesn’t Tenzin Michael look like a Swiss Buddhist monk who was investigated in a scientific study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) or funded by Swiss Tourism?

Here we can see Tenzin Michael teach at Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich:

Those who know Tenzin Michael Aegerter from the past know him as the carpenter of the Kailash Clinic, at a time when the project was still in the hands of


Swiss West Tibet Association


That was 30 years ago.

The Kailash International Retreat Center is a renowned center for meditation in the beautiful Swiss mountains of the canton of Valais:

Today Tenzin Michael is an ordained monk in the Gelugpa Order, the school of the Dalai Lama:


Or was Tenzin Michael studied in a brain scan study which was funded similarly to the funding of the

Foundation Pro Partgeier (Bearded Vulture) in Zurich

The Foundation Pro Bartgeier of Dr. Daniel Hegglin is a foundation which is not publicly funded, but privately funded, and has the goal to return the Bartgeier to the Alps.


And is a Buddhist monk who is born in Switzerlnad such as Tenzin Michael not something which is as rare as the Bartgeier (Bearded Vulture) in Switzerland?

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