Warning to all who are interested in PiEEG – the price eventually will be increased to 12 500 USD

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

If you build from PiEEG a device with 32 EEG channels as described here:


which can compete with a gtec medical multi purpose headset with 32 channels which costs 50 000 USD:

There is a risk that the PiEEG costs will increase from 350 USD as it currently is:


to 12 500 USD. A 32 channel EEG device requires four PiEEGs hats. This is the risk from what we experienced previously with products which are based on the ADS1299. A 32 channel EEG board offered on Aliexpress was increased in price over the last 4 years from 600 USD to about 5 000.

We suppose these are the costs of a mBrainTrain 32 channel EEG device. We never asked for the prices for mBrainTrain EEG since we where never interested in it.

So the risk is there if you are looking to lower the prices for EEG devices, the devices which are based on the ADS1299 will increase. And who want to take this risk and develop such products?

It seems that these different EEG products are linked to each other. Is there a better evidence for a violation of competition laws in the US, EU, UK, China, Canada & Switzerland?

And if we critizise PiEEG here, we expect that PiEEG is pulled from the market again. Following the procedure we experienced previously from other companies such as Rasbperry Pi.

And this stragedy is to get rid of the smart and looking for the hobbists.