Users report in the Mango Pi forum how to resolve issues with the Mango Pi MQ quatt & usb adapters

Last Updated on April 12, 2023 by

  • We had issues with a Raspberry Pi zero w2, usb adapters, usb keyboards and mouse.
  • It took us some time to get it to work, but we think it is worth it to give it a try.
  • The Pinephone is also known to have issues with USB-c adapters:

  • And Mango Pi MQ quatt users reported to have issues with usb-c hubs and usb-hats:

  • Here, Mango Pi MQ quat users report how they resolved issues with usbadapters:


  • I have an output on the HDMI, but no network when using my USB-C hub with Ethernet.
  • Mine is working fine with a USB-C to micro USB adapter and a mini-hub from my Pi
  • I have also tried with a hat from Waveshare 1 but it does not work either (no Ethernet, no USB working).
  • That HAT also has a jumper that goes from the USB port on a Pi 0 to the board itself, and there is nothing to plug that into except the USB-C port.
  • I have get to work my Mangi Pi MQ quatt by plugging the HDMI connector into a monitor
  • then I plugged a USB C port into hub connected to a mouse and keyboard.
  • The hub I used for this also has an ethernet.
  • This is the adapter (hub) I used:
  • Ethernet Hub and USB Hub w/ Micro USB OTG Connector:
  • Ethernet Hub and USB Hub w/ Micro USB OTG Connector ( 1
  • I used it with the standard Raspberry Pi USB to USB-C adapter.
  • I suspect that the USB itself is not at issue
  • One of my Mango Pis came with a USB-C to A (female) adapter, so I’ll use that
  • I also have a USB-C Orico hub, but I don’t think which USB hub is used is important.
  • Make sure you use the middle USB-C port to connect to.
  • The outer one is for power
  • port usage is opposite to that of the Pi Zero USB gadget which powers/boots off the center microUSB port.
  • I think I will order asap a USB-C to USB-A adapter, and I should be good to go.
  • Does the old trick to use CTRL+ALT+F[1…6] in order to get access to text console work for you?
  • That would allow me to use just a keyboard with an adapter and nothing else, then configure the wifi and forget about all that.
  • yes: that worked for me
  • MRIS: try also to turn the usb-c cable 180 degree if you have issues with usb-c