Unsustainable WIFI shield developers

Last Updated on January 14, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

There are different Aliexpress shops which offer updated, power improved, denoised WIFI shield. Other offer new components like combination of daisy with cyton. etc.

We have the components which are sold in the shop under the domain:


There are a lot of new components available in shops on Aliexpress. But who tests these components? Are they reliable, are they sustainable?

It does not help much if several developers make updated versions of the OpenBCI wifi shield and sell those in their store. Do they want to start their own business? And under which label? It is a quality label, and how long will it last?

Offering updated WIFI shields in a shop on Aliexpress does not solve the problem. The problem is solved, if someone updates the WIFI shield and publishes the updated WIFI shield with an updated GERBER file which serves the global OpenBCI community.