Unclarities regarding OpenBCI forum and OpenBCI shop

Last Updated on January 12, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • We have seen that is possible to edit the OpenBCI documentation yourself, this seem to be open
  • We have read that William Croft controls the Gerber files from the OpenBCI WIFI shield, and eventually handles it out on request
  • this seem to be controlled by William Croft in is not open
  • We do not know if the support in the OpenBCI forum is payed trough sales of OpenBCI products
  • We do not know who controls the OpenBCI shop, and who profits from the high costs in this shop
  • There are many unclarities about the OpenBCI forum and the OpenBCI shop
  • OpenBCI has a CEO, but which CEO tolerates things like we have described here in our journal?
  • Is it a CEO which has given up all other projects than OpenBCI Galea?