To use a high speed video camera as treadmill speed sensor?

Last Updated on November 10, 2023 by

Fellnr used a high speed video camera for treadmill calibration:

And Kinovea, a video annotation tool designed for sport analysis:

to analyse these data. But can we not use a high speed video camera with Kinovea as a threadmill speed sensor right away?

This would basically equvalent to a NPE Runn Treadmill Smart Sensor. But the NPE Runn is not open source and delivers only ANT+ and BLE data and no raw data. An open source treadmill speed sensor based on a high speed video camera would be highly desirable for scientists. We can use for this purpose eventually a camera which has a Home Assistant integration to have our data in Home Assistant and a Xiaomi treadmill as discussed here:

This is a lot of work. But if sports students of the Federal Institute of Sports in Magglingen are looking for a final year student project, this is one is available. Or is it rather a project for a final year engineering student project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich? Also these students are welcome to participate in this new an promising project. Nobody has done such a project to this date as far as we know. And therefore the result of it would eventually worth to be published in a scientific sports or engineering journal at the highest level.